Saturday, April 28, 2007

Come Back My Love

Something very wrong has happened to my dreams. I never would’ve expected this, not in a million years.

First a little background.

I might not know what African tribe I descended from, but I do know I come from a long line of horny people on my father’s side. I’m not saying I was a witness and certainly not a victim; I was just a nosy kid and I heard things–okay? I was interested in most things sexual, albeit on mostly an intellectual level, during my formative years. I made it my business to be around when the stories were being told. I wanted to know exactly how things--fit.

I was the girl who checked out the Kinsey Reports, both of them.* This was no small feat for a twelve year old because these tomes were kept behind the checkout counter and they had to be requested and signed out. And my aunt worked at the library and she talked to my mother at least twice a day. In case you never read the Kinsey reports, they were about as exciting as the Oxford Dictionary, but I scanned each volume carefully. I don’t know if my aunt ever found out that I borrowed them. I can’t imagine something happening at that library that my aunt didn’t know. Reading was scared in my household and there was very little censorship. My father read everything he touched and he believed if you were old enough to understand it, read it and “we’ll talk about it later.” Looking back on it now, I think my aunt probably told my parents and they decided it okay for me to read them because I probably wouldn’t understand most of it. They were right.

So you see the fact that many of my dreams over the years had a sexual component was a given. It was in the DNA. That has changed. These dreams are slowly changing from sexual to action/adventure. I still wake up exhausted, but it’s a different kind of exhaustion. The movie star who was once my dream lover has become my sidekick. We spend our nights together now fighting crime. It’s enough to make a sexual being sick. I want him back! In my bed, on the beach, in the private airplane and especially in that limousine. And I want him to leave that sword he’s been carrying around lately at home! I’m not that old yet–am I?

*Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953)


Mother said...

Wow! You read the Kinsey Report, too? I'm a couple of years older than you, so I understood at least .07 percent.

Great article. I'm still dreaming about my mother, only she is no longer trying to kill me.

sookietex said...

hello Jackie, don't worry too much about the theme of your sleeping dreams changing from sexual to action's probably your sub-conscience's way of letting you know that your libido's needs are changing. note i said changing, not disappearing altogether ;-) i'm going to take a wild guess here and theorize that your day-dreams are still pretty chock-a-block with steamy scenes---yes?

it's nice to meet you [again] babygrl, [i've read your posts in the nip/tuck forum ]. feel free to stop by my blog
ciao for now